Name: Ban J.

Age: 36

Nationality: Palestinian

Occupation:  Business Owner

How long have you been working with Samar: 6 months

What have you learned/ What have been your key takeaways?

I am a lot more self-aware and in control of my emotions. I have stepped into self-respect and come into a deeper acceptance of myself. My capacity to receive from life now comes a lot easier. I see my own stuff with a lot more courage. I have come into my talent and take responsibility for my life. My energy has shifted into my femininity, I believe in myself and honor my voice. There’s a lot more self-trust and am comfortable in my own skin.

How has life changed?

I have come to peace with myself and am pursuing my desires versus other people’s expectations. I am more integrated and have dealt with very difficult situations bravely. I embrace life and face it head on.

A few words about Samar:

I feel safe and comfortable, and trust her process entirely. Samar creates an environment that nurtures vulnerability and feel confident that we always walk out of the room with the learning that we need.



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